

HCM Position


Bill No.

849 – AM 2723

Introduced By

Pansing Brooks

Movement Stance


Amended into LB 848 by AM 2723. LB849 clarifies legislative intent for eligibility in the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Program, which supports former state wards in transitioning to adulthood, becoming self-sufficient, and creating permanent relationships. Specifically, LB849 defines age of eligibility as nineteen years of age or younger, or eighteen years of age if the young adult has become ineligible for participation in a tribal court due to attaining 18 years of age. The change extends eligibility for the Bridge to Independence program to native youth aging out of Tribal Court proceedings at the age of majority as defined by the Tribe, to mend the year gap in supports between ages 18 and 19 due to the State age of majority

Text of Bill

Final Status


Senator's Name:

How they voted: