LB 615: The Revenue Committee

I am here today in opposition to LB 615, introduced by Senator Linehan.

Recent research conducted by the Holland Children’s Institute shows that middle class families in Nebraska believe they are being left behind. LB 615 is a clear example of how the Legislature is not listening to Nebraska families.

A majority (58%) of Nebraskans would like to see revenue raised instead of further cuts to programs. Conversely 78% thought economic policy of Nebraska has helped wealthy Nebraskans, on some level, where only 51% thought they had helped their family.

LB 615 would cut taxes for Nebraska’s wealthiest, while leaving middle class Nebraskans behind. We strongly urge the revenue committee to not advance LB 615 out of committee and show support for middle class families and economic prosperity for all.

-Joey, Adler
Director of Strategic Engagement