I write in opposition of LB 497, introduced by Senator Friesen.
LB 497 attempts to solve problems while creating many more in the process. We are especially concerned by the provision that eliminates the grocery tax exemption. We believe that this will negatively impact hard working Nebraskans and families. While there is a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) exemption, not all families who are struggling qualify for SNAP, thus making this burden even hard on families already struggling.
Recent public opinion research from the Holland Children’s Institute shows that 44% of blue-collar men and women in Nebraska say families do not have the tools they needed to be able to attain a middle-class lifestyle. And a majority among all Nebraskans (57%) believe that state economic policy has done nothing or very little to help families in poverty. We would ask that the committee to instead focus on finding different solutions that are not on the backs of Nebraska’s families.
We want to say thank you to Sen. Friesen for trying to come up with solutions for the continue property tax crisis our state is facing but we do not believe LB 497 is the right way to address this problem. We want to urge the Revenue Committee to not advance LB 497
-Joey Adler
Director of Strategic Engagement