Support LB 161: Redefine formula students under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act

Monday, February 10, 2025

Chairman Murman and members of the Education Committee

My name is Garret Swanson, G-A-R-R-E-T S-W-A-N-S-O-N and I am here on behalf of the Holland Children’s Movement, a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that strives to fulfill its vision for Nebraska to become a beacon in economic security and opportunity for all children and families, in support of LB161.

Good afternoon Senators, thank you for taking the time to hold this hearing and show that you care about the development of children here in Nebraska. Over the past few sessions there has been a lot of conversation about the school funding formulae TEEOSA as it pertains to property taxes and providing the most resources possible to Nebraska schools. Early childhood education is often left out of that education. That is why we thank Senator Juarez for bringing this legislation to the Committee.

The first five years of a child’s life are incredibly important. According to the National Institute of Health, by age 5, a child’s brain will reach 88% of its adult weight. Up from 26% at birth. Long term studies that have been developing over several decades, such as the Chicago Longitudinal Study and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fund Study have shown that quality childhood care provides many different benefits. Children with access to quality early childhood education have better educational outcomes, are less likely to commit crimes, and are more likely to climb the socio-economic ladder. These are just a few of many different benefits.

In a poll of over 600 Nebraskans conducted by our sister non-profit, the Holland Children’s Institute, 61% of Nebraskans agreed that increasing the availability of quality early childhood education programs to be an extremely, or very important part of the state budget. While 27% labeled it as somewhat important. I’m sure as you all have hit the campaign trail the importance of this issue has also been a topic of discussion.

Thank you again for your time Senators, we urge this bill be voted out of Committee and on to the floor.

Picture of Garret Swanson

Garret Swanson

Director of Strategic Engagement
Holland Children's Movement