Economic Security

Victories in Economic Security

Any public policy or initiative that works to bring economic security and mobility to Nebraska’s children and families is a priority. Nebraska’s working families must have the ability and opportunity to live the ’Good Life’ here in Nebraska. Families should have the tools they need be able to afford and sustain a middle class lifestyle and improve their future economically. Learn more.

2015: LB 89 – Introduced and Prioritized by Senator Campbell 

Intent: LB 89 changes provisions relating to the Aid to Dependent Children program to provide the first increase to cash assistance for families living in poverty in nearly 30 years. The bill increased the maximum payment to 55% of the standard of need. The bill also increased the amount of gross income that is disregarded for ADC applicants to determine the level of cash assistance. Under the bill, the amount would disregard 20% of earned income during the application process, and once eligibility is established, the amount would be 50%.

OUTCOME: Passed 30-15-4 (April 23, 2015)

2015: LB 607 – Introduced by Senator Mello; Speaker Prioritized Bill

Intent: LB 607 creates and provides duties for the Intergenerational Poverty Task Force made up of both public and private representatives that shall share, examine and analyze data and information regarding intergenerational poverty in the state with a primary focus on data and information regarding children who are at risk of continuing the cycle of poverty. The task force shall create a long-range strategic plan and submit a report each year to the Governor and the Executive Board of the Legislative Council.

OUTCOME: Passed 45-0-4 (May 21, 2015)

2015: LB 627 – Introduced by Senator Mello and Prioritized by the Business and Labor Committee​

Intent: LB 627 updates the Nebraska Fair Employment Practices Act to clarify and solidify workplace protections for pregnant workers. It defines reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers, provides discrimination protections for pregnant workers similar to those already provided to workers with disabilities and provides additional requirements for the Equal Opportunity Commission’s bi-annual report.

OUTCOME: Passed 45-0-4 (April 7, 2015)

2013: LB 507 – Adopt the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act

Intent: LB 507 is intended to bring accountability for the public funds invested in child care and early childhood education, to help providers who choose to improve quality, to inform parents who seek child care and early childhood education for their children, and to improve child development and school readiness. LB 507 adopts the Step Up to Quality Act, putting in place a quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) with a scale of steps from one to five. The system is available to all child care and early childhood education programs voluntarily, but participation is required for programs that receive significant amounts of public funds.

OUTCOME: Passed 42-1-2 (May 29, 2013)